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Well it is Monday morning, had a decent weekend. We got to do chores for a friend of ours and she had a new baby lamb while she was gone. I cute black one. We had fun figuring out which one was the mama as another new mother kept answering the lamb's call, but we got if figured out. Also my Granddaughters picture did not get uploaded in the last post so I am doing that now.
My two Bleeding Heart plants are up. Since we are moving one is going to a dear friend one to my oldest daughter. She out of the kids owns a home. My youngest son got them for me many years ago at the Eastern Market near Detroit here in Michigan. So they have sentimental value as well.
Tomorrow is sheep shearing day. Yes this is the second try. The shearer couldn't make it last time so we are geared up for this tomorrow. We think it is fun but still a lot of work. I will see if I can borrow some pictures to post. There are 40 some sheep to shear so it is definitely an all day thing. And Sue has told us that you always feed the shearer so we are doing a pot luck type thing for the lunch.
Well that is about it for now. Have a good week. Oh by the way those you that live in the Thumb Area of Michigan or close by, our yarn store "Back Alley Fibers" is having a tax sale at the store. Also Knit Night is on Friday from 5pm to 10pm. All are welcome. Bring a dish to pass and drinks are provided. Come enjoy with us. April 18th. The phone number is: 989-672-2144. I wonder why I have that number memorized. (innocent look) lol
Well it has been a long day but turning out to be a good one. I get to put my Granddaughter's picture on my blog. So far she is my only grandchild but with seven more children I am sure I will have more. Beatrice is almost 4 years old, her birthday is in June. As you can see she is holding yarn. She helps her Mom sometimes.
Today I got the paperwork to start the "Master Knitter's" Course. I am excited. I am looking forward to completing all three courses. I am following my dream. Anyway. I get to make a notebook right off the bat. I like organizing things so this will be right up my alley.
Right now on the needles I have a test knit project of a friend/designer at my LYS and am waiting for a package for test knitting some socks. I am doing the test swatch today that she has emailed us. I am also working on some Tabi Socks for my youngest daughter to go with her kimonos. I am about half way up the foot, and they are cuff down. Maybe tomorrow. I also am knitting some of Jeanie Townsend's "Lilac" socks for myself. I have about one and a half patterns and then I start the foot, which I think I will leave blank. See you all later.
Well Spring is springing around here. Like I said the birds that I watch for are back and last night we heard the frogs for the first time. Now a former boss I had said that Spring will officially arrive when the frogs freeze three times. But they were sure good to hear. I will surly miss them when we move and if we have to live in a town or city. But I will deal. I will just have to find a place to hide so to speak.
When I was a teenager and working for Kreesge's near Detroit, MI I found some trees on the shopping center property and I used to go there sometimes for lunch. It was nice and mine to read or daydream at.
Well I started a new journey today. My ancestry. I have tried a little before but now this is the real thing. has a great site. I am going through whatever I have in records and am entering. I want to learn just where my family came from in Poland and Germany. This is very exciting for me.
Well that is about all for now, oh wait we took in our wool from out llamas yesterday. That might be the last trip because we don't know if we will be able to keep our remaining llama when we move.
I'll have to get pictures of the llamas from my daughter and post them. We had two but lost one this winter. But Butch is hale and happy. He should be he just finished his hay. LOL